The Creator Code

Pinterest is building a positive online space for creators. That’s why we made the Creator Code: A commitment to kindness for everyone on Pinterest. We expect everyone to follow these guidelines and lead with kindness when you create new content or interact with other people on Pinterest.

It’s hard to be creative when you’re surrounded by negativity and comparison. On Pinterest, it’s different. We lead with kindness and put your well-being as a creator first. See what happens when you create with a kinder community.

Code principles

Be kind

Illustration of blue polka dots surrounding yellow dots
Express yourself

Great content should highlight you and your ideas. Put your original spin on something and don’t be afraid to let your own perspective shine. For example: Fashion inspiration to freshen up a wardrobe.

Illustration of teal x over orange wavy lines
...but be kind

Being expressive shouldn’t come at the expense of others. Even if it’s meant to be provocative, ask yourself if the content that you post might insult or harm someone else. For example: ‘Fashion don’ts’ that mock or shame individuals who wear certain clothing.

Check your facts

Illustration 3 speech bubbles
Start a conversation

Take inspiration from what’s going on in the world around you to help others learn, grow and bring their idea to life. For example: Resources to support activism or practise allyship.

Illustration of arrows pointing in different directions
...and check your facts

Take time to pause and check the facts behind what you share. In a world that moves fast, it can be easy to spread information that isn’t true. For example: Opinion, stated as fact, about activist movements.

Do no harm

Orange dots with blue lines checklist illustration
Inspire action

Great content helps to inspire people to make their ideas a reality. From DIYs to recipes to travel tips, help people to bring ideas to life. For example: A 30-day DIY challenge.

Multi-color flame illustration
… but avoid causing harm

While it’s great to create so that you can connect with your audience in unique ways, avoid calls to action that might cause harm. For example: A DIY challenge that may pose health or safety risks.

Watch for triggers

Abstract face illustration
Be bold

On Pinterest, don’t be afraid to be bold! Expressing unique ideas, using unexpected images, and telling rich, visual stories can inspire people in new ways. For example: Art that promotes body positivity.

Illustration of three lines to left of an eye
… but be aware of triggers

Sometimes ideas that are meant to be artistic can cross a line. To maintain a safe space for everyone, explicit content isn’t allowed, even if well intentioned. For example: Photography that sexually objectifies a person.

Practice inclusion

Illustration of five different colored paint strokes
Encourage others

Pinterest is a positive place – and you can help to keep it that way. Focus on publishing ideas that are inclusive and bring people together. For example: Accessible exercise routines that people can try from home.

Illustration of two ovals divided by orange zigzag stroke
...rather than divide

True inspiration is supportive of everyone. Make sure not to publish content that excludes or puts down certain people or communities. For example: ‘Before and after’ photos that body shame individuals.

Featured Creators

Portrait of a Black woman wearing a purple shirt
‘The Creator Code is inspiring to me because it provides a space that focuses on community.’

Find more Creator resources