Pinterest Inclusion Fund

Now in its fourth year, the Pinterest Inclusion Fund is evolving to support more diverse content producers on the platform. After three inspiring years of teaching creators and content producers how to grow, connect and succeed on Pinterest, the programme will now support small merchant businesses, boutique creator agencies and independent lifestyle publishers that are either owned and operated by, or create content or products for historically underrepresented communities.

The incubator programme will focus on connecting inclusive and inspirational ideas and products from diverse content producers with the people on Pinterest looking to be inspired by them—ultimately bringing more diverse and inclusive content to the platform.

Grid of Pins and Pinterest profiles showcasing floral-patterned ankle boots, a publisher, a fitness creator, a man applying lip gloss, colorful cocktails being poured, and a home decor merchant.

Fashion and beauty

Inspiration for everybody

From innovative styling tips to lifestyle hacks that promote glowing skin, past Inclusion Fund participants create inspiring content that empowers everyone to live a life that they love.

Health and wellness

Inspiration for everybody

From innovative styling tips to lifestyle hacks that promote glowing skin, past Inclusion Fund participants create inspiring content that empowers everyone to live a life that they love.


Inspiration for everybody

From innovative styling tips to lifestyle hacks that promote glowing skin, past Inclusion Fund participants create inspiring content that empowers everyone to live a life that they love.


Inspiration for everybody

From innovative styling tips to lifestyle hacks that promote glowing skin, past Inclusion Fund participants create inspiring content that empowers everyone to live a life that they love.

Fashion and beauty

Inspiration for everybody

From innovative styling tips to lifestyle hacks that promote glowing skin, past Inclusion Fund participants create inspiring content that empowers everyone to live a life that they love.

About the Pinterest Inclusion Fund

The four-week incubator programme will coach participants on practices for optimising their organic content on Pinterest, and show them how to get the most out of Pinterest’s tools to drive value for their business.

This year, participants will attend virtual educational sessions uniquely designed for their needs. Sessions will cover topics such as:

  • Platform best practices to support business growth

  • Deep knowledge sharing from Pinterest and industry experts

  • Cash grants to assist with content production and optimisation

  • Ad credits to help propel their content on Pinterest

  • Mentorship sessions from experts in their field.

The programme will also continue to foster community, offering dedicated office hours.


Who can apply

The Pinterest Inclusion Fund supports small merchants, independent lifestyle publishers and creator agencies that are owned and operated by, or produce content and products for BIPOC, disability, plus-size and LGBTQIA+ communities.

Why apply?

Participants from last year’s programme cycles saw an average growth of 124% in engagement, in addition to seeing growth in followers, such as Nike who grew 36%. As a result of the learnings, resources and tools shared with content producers, 81% remain active on Pinterest today.¹

This year, we’re hoping to see agencies, publishers and small business owners achieve similar success. We encourage content producers across these segments to apply and see how you can accelerate your growth on Pinterest!



Participants will receive a cash grant, ad credits, personalised resources for enhancing shoppable and actionable content, and hands-on learning sessions with Pinterest and industry experts.

  • Attend educational sessions, apply learnings to current and future Pinterest content through various ingestion tools, and consider Pinterest an integral part of their content strategy.

  • Participants must also sign a Pinterest agreement, commit to two in-person events, two virtual sessions, have access to optional office hours and create content as part of the programme.

To keep up to date with the latest Pinterest Inclusion Fund cycles, sign up for our newsletter.

We evolved the programme to unlock more opportunities for a more diverse set of content producers. The programme’s new focus will connect even more inclusive, diverse and shoppable content from underrepresented communities with the people on Pinterest looking to gain inspiration, and shop their ideas and products. Creators who own an e-commerce business are encouraged to apply, in addition to those who partner with boutique creator agencies.

The programme was started in 2021 because Pinterest saw a need to uplift content producers from communities that have been disproportionately underrepresented—including Black, Latiné, LGBTQIA+, Asian, Indigenous people and people with disabilities.

Stay in touch

To keep up to date with the latest Pinterest Inclusion Fund cycles, news, expert tips and more, sign up for our newsletter.