October 25, 2023 — Catie Marques Teles and Zeny Shifferaw
Inspiration begins with inclusion. From topic to language to imagery, all the choices you make as a creator can have an impact on the people who see your content. People want to see themselves represented in the content that they see online. So whether you’re sharing inspiring 'fits or empowering tutorials, there’s value in leaning into diversity and authenticity. A highly engaged, diverse audience is at the ready, and you’re creating what they want to see by applying an inclusive lens to your content.
To that end, Pinterest has designed industry-first policies (Creator Code), initiatives (Creator Inclusion Fund) and products (skin tone range and hair pattern search features) to build a more diverse, inclusive and safe place for people who use Pinterest, including creators just like you.
The latest: Technology that considers shape, size and form to allow us to identify various body types on images across Pinterest. We use this technology to shape how our algorithms increase representation in search results and in your related feeds for women’s fashion and wedding-related content. In other words, when you search for a term such as ‘date night outfits’ for example, you’ll gradually start seeing more people of various body shapes, sizes and skin tones in fashion-related results.
Within your own content, the key to an inclusive approach comes from a place of openness and respect. Here are three guidelines to keep in mind for creating inclusive content.
Building a supportive space